Anyone who knows me knows HOW EXCITED I am about the new catalog that just came out from Stampin' Up! My checkbook isn't. I love love love it. All the new colors that just came out, the colors they brought back from the past In Colors. All the cute new stamp sets that I just have to have. The new Designer Series Papers are to die for. I could just go on and on about this catalog but you really need to see it for yourself. Soooooo contact me and I will more than glad to get one to you!!!
On July 1 I had a catalog reveal party and WOW what an awesome turn out. Thank you to everyone that came by. 21 people filled my house that evening, what an awesome feeling that was for me. When it was over mom and I talked about it and I truly could not take the smile off of my face.

Thank you to Jack and Julie who made this awesome cake for me. It was so yummy and so beautiful. I emailed them a couple of pages from the catalog and they made an awesome catalog cake for us to enjoy. No one wanted to cut it.
The above pictures of the card is the make and take that every could make.
Everyone that attended that night received these cool card stock sample rings. The rings are still

available for anyone who is interested for $5 you get a sample of every color of card stock available at this time, plus you will also get the stickers on the back of them to help with inventory. For those that attended if you are interested in the stickers for the back, I have them for $1. I highly recommend them it is very helpful for me to keep track of what colors I have. I take mine apart and put color combinations together and it is pretty cool how well all the colors coordinate so well together. I LOVE Stampin' Up!

The winner to the catalog scavenger hunt is
Tiffany Haley. Congratulations Tiffany you will get a $10 gift certificate to use any time this year.
I also had a way to earn more ways to be in the drawings one was to bring me a card to add to my display wall and these are the ones I received that night. Thank You Paula, Krista, Amy, Kay, Patty and Robin. I love them all, you guys are so creative.