Come join me...
Saturday December 4, 2010
Englewood United Methodist Church (the church behind Dairy Queen)
107 N. Walnut St, Englewood OH
Arrive any time between 10 A.M. and 4 P.M.
(we can stamp as long as we want)
5 cards for $15
additional cards can be made for $3 each
****$2 off if you bring a snack to share. Keep it simple anything is welcome.****
This stamping event is open to everyone! If you have never stamped before, there will be plenty of hands to help guide you. Come and get a jump start on your holiday cards and help a great cause at the same time!

These cards are a sample of the cards available to make. If you like one better then the others you can make multiples of that card if desired. (I have one other cards to show but every time I load it, it comes in sideways and looks stupid so I am going to try to load it later and see if it helps, no it will not let me rotate it lol I have tried)
Since I have the church all day if you would like to rent ($7.50) (it is a fundraiser) a table for the day to make your own cards I will have I will have all the Christmas stamps that I own or have borrowed there all you will need to bring is your own ink and card stock.
Please RSVP to me 937-603-7439 if you are able to attend and would like multiples of a specific card so I have enough supplies ready.