Monday, September 24, 2012

Lost again...Not really

I know, I know I keep saying I am going to work harder at keeping this up to date and I fail at it every time.  I have been taking several pictures of project I have been working on so let me try again.

I am going to start off with a post about this past weekend stamp camp. I first of all want to thank Kim for opening up for fabulous party room to us.

When I remembered to take pictures a couple of people had finished and when the last group arrived I forgot again to take their pictures lol.  I get to chit chatting with everyone then it hits me I need to take pictures.  Spending time stamping with friends is by far one of my favorite things to do. 
This is the first card I am going to show you that we made that day
Isn't this one of the cutest cards ever???
 I think this is one of my all time favorites.

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